CON-36 Implementation Plan
use cache<long, token> and multimap<user, long>. Use the removalListener on the cache to go through the map and remove the appropriate
class AccessTokenManager { // Have a background thread that runs periodically to cleanup. Do granular locking on tokens. void cleanup(){ - remove all timestamps from connections that are older than 24 hours - iterate through all the timestamps that got removed } Multimap<User, Timestamp> sessions Cache<Timestamp, Token> connections //sorted cache with removal listener public boolean isValidToken(token){ if(connections.contains(token.getTimestamp()){ if(token.getTimestamp() is less than 24 hours){ return true; } else{ deleteToken(token) } } return false; } public void deleteToken(token){ connections.remove(token.getTimestamp()); } public void deleteAllTokens(user){ Set<Timestamp> timestamps = sessions.get(user); sessions.remove(user); for(timestamp : timestamps){ connections.remove(timestamp); } } public void addToken(user){ long timestamp =; sessions.put(user, timestamp); connections.put(timestamp, AccessToken.create("blah", timestamp) } }