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S → SS S → (S) S → () S → key KEY KEY → operator OPERATOR OPERATOR → value VALUE OPERATOR → value VALUE → value VALUE VALUE → value VALUE → and AND VALUE → or OR AND → S OR → S |
A wrapper around an in-order collection of symbols. A Criteria is generated from the completion of a state machine that comprises a builder.
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public class Criteria { // Static Methods public static Builder builder(); { // Variables privatereturn finalnew List<Symbol> symbolsStartState(new Criteria()); } // Constructorprivate final List<Symbol> symbols = Lists.newArrayList(); protected Criteria(); // Methods protected void addSymbol(Symbol symbol); public static final Builder { // Static methods protected static Builder newBuilder(); // Variables private final Criteria criteria; private State state; // Constructor private Builder(Criteria criteria); } } |
} |
The base class and marker for any valid state for the builder. Each state is passed the current Criteria and holds a reference. For any method called from the state, a symbol is added to the Criteria or the Criteria is returned.
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abstract class State {
Criteria criteria;
} |
The state that marks the beginning of a new Criteria.
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class StartState extends State {
StartState group(Criteria criteria);
KeyState key(String key);
Criteria build();
} |
The state that expects the next symbol/token to be a key specification.
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class KeyState extends State {
OperatorState operator(Operator operator);
} |
The state that expects the next symbol/token to be a value specification.
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class OperatorState extends State {
ValueState value(Object value);
} |
The state that expects the current symbol/token to be the last or the next symbol/token to be value or conjunction specification.
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class ValueState extends State {
ValueState value(Object value);
StartState and();
StartState or();
Criteria build();
} |
A marker interface to indicate an object that can be included in a Criteria
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class Key implements Symbol {
public String getKey();
} |
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class Value implements Symbol { public Object getValue(); } |
A state
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abstract class State {
Criteria criteria;
} |
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interface Symbol { } //marker interface
KeySymbol implements Symbol {
String key;
ValueSymbol implements Symbol {
Object value;
OperatorSymbol implements Symbol {
Operator operator;
} |
// When the State creates this symbol it must convert the object to a TObject so that it can be passed over the wire via Thrift
public TObject getValue();
} |
Order of Operations
Given validly formed grouped criteria, we must process everything with the correct order of operations. For this, we should use the Shunting-yard algorithm. I've written this algorithm in PHP so we should port it to Java.